Wei-Shiun Chang
Institute of International Management, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Curriculum Vitae
The Institute of International Management
No.1, University Road, Tainan City 701, Taiwan (R.O.C)
E-mail: wschang@mail.ncku.edu.tw
Phone: +886 (06) 2757575- 53566
Florida State University, Ph.D. in Economics, 2011.
Research Interests
Decision Theory, Experimental Economics, Behavioral Operational Management, Supply Chain Management, Procurement Auction, Game Theory
National Cheng Kung University
Associate Vice President, Office of International Affairs, NCKU, December 2024 ~
Director, Overseas Students and Scholars Services, NCKU, December 2024~
Director, Institute of International Management, August 2021-July 2024
Associate Professor, Institute of International Management, August 2019-Current
Director of Startup Accelerator, Innovation Headquarter, August 2020- July 2021
Director of International Affairs Center, College of Management, August 2019-July 2020
Assistant Professor, Institute of International Management, August 2014-July 2019
Institute of Entrepreneurial Studies and Innovation Management at Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
Research Associate (Post-Doc), 2011-2014
2020 Fall ~2021 Spring
Behavioral Decision Theory (x2)
Managerial Economics Seminar (EMBA)
Case Study in Business Strategy and Management (1 lecture)
2019 Fall~ 2020 Spring
Social Projects in Project Management (1)
Business Decision Methods
Managerial Economics Seminar (EMBA)
Startup Practice: Turning an Ideal into a Business
Project Based Learning of Interdisciplinary Start-up Business
Social Projects in Project Management (2)
Small & Medium Enterprise Management
Introduction to Innovation and Entrepreneurship
2018 Fall~ 2019 Spring
Supply Chain Risk Management
E-Business and Supply Chain Management
Small & Medium Entreprise Management (2 lectures, EMBA)
Taiwan Festival in Japan: Psychology X Technology X Cultural Innovation (1 lecture, cross-discipline course)
Contemporary Management Research
Biases in Managerial Decision Making
Managerial Economics (summer class)
Case Study in Business Strategy and Management (1 lecture, EMBA)
2017 Fall~2018 Spring
Supply Chain Risk Management
E-Business and Supply Chain Management
Small & Medium Enterprise Management (6 lectures, EMBA)
Managerial Economics (winter class)
Procurement Management
Technology Management (x2, Taipei class & Tainan class)
Case Study in Business Strategy and Management (2 lectures, EMBA)
2016 Fall~ 2017 Spring
Supply Chain Risk Management (x2, Taipei class & Tainan class)
E-Business and Supply Chain Management
Managerial Economics (summer class)
Procurement Management
Technology Management
Project Management
Case Study in Business Strategy and Management (2 lectures, EMBA)
2015 Fall~2016 Spring
Enterpreneurial Management
E-Business and Supply Chain Management
Managerial Economics (summer class)
Technology Management
Project Management
Quantitative Analysis for Management Science
Technology and Urban Design (summer camp, invited by OIA, NCKU)
2014 Fall~ 2015 Spring
Project Management
E-Business and Supply Chain Management
Enterpreneurial Management
Technology Management (x2, Taipei class &Tainan class)
1. Wei-Shiun Chang, Bo, Timothy C. Salmon (2015) An investigation of the average bid mechanism for procurement auctions. Management Science 61(6):1237-1254. (Online Appendix) Click to see the coverage in IFREE newsletter (by Vernon Smith, 2002 Nobel Laureate in Economics)
2. Chang, W. S., Salmon, T. C., & Saral, K. J. (2016) Procurement auctions with renegotiation and wealth constraint. Economic Inquiry, 54(3), 1684-1704.
3. Chang, W. S., & Lin, Y. T. (2019). The effect of lead-time on supply chain resilience performance. Asia Pacific Management Review, 24(4), 298-309.
4. Liu, Y., Chang, W. S., & Chen, W. Y. (2019) Health Progress and Economic Growth in the United States: the Mixed Frequency VAR Analyses. Quality & Quantity, 53 (4), 1895-1911.
5. Chang, W. S. (2019) The Adverse Effects of Renegotiation in Procurement Auctions with Endogenous Liability. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 81, 91-101.
6. Lam, M. & Chang, W. S. (2020) The effect of information on supply chain coordination: A model of value discounting. Asia Pacific Management Review. 25 (3), 134-141.
7. Chang, W. S. & Daniel Sanchez-Loor (2020) Downstream Information Leaking and Information Sharing Between Partially-Informed Retailers. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade. 1-28.
8. Daniel Sanchez-Loor & Chang, W. S. (2022) Experimental Study of the Effects of Structural Assurance, Personal Experiences, and Product Reviews on Repurchase Behavior in E-commerce Platforms, Electronic Commerce Research, 1-40
9. Chang, Yu-Yu, Daniel Sanchez-Loor, Hui-Ching Sana Hsieh, Wei-Shiun Chang (2023) How Aging Affects Opportunity-Necessity Entrepreneurship: Demographic and Perceptual View, Australian Journal of Management. 48(1), 67-89.
10. Daniel A. Sanchez-Loor、Wei-Shiun Chang、Manuel A. Zambrano-Monserrate(2024). An Inner Superhero: Experiments on Information Sharing in Anonymous Virtual Communities. Taiwan Economic Review,52(1),49-76。https://doi.org/10.6277/TER.202401_52(1).0002
11. Chang, Y.-Y., Chang, W.-S. and Fadhil, A. (2024), "Enterprising spirit rejuvenated: entrepreneurship education in shaping company employees' career commitment and turnover intentions", New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/NEJE-02-2024-0009
Working Papers
1. Better Not to Know: Curse of Knowledge in Decentralized Supply Chains with Daniel Sanchez-Loor (Major, R&R, SSCI)
2. The Impact of COVID-19 on organizational risk management, with Daniel A. Sanchez-Loor and Tracy Huynh (Under Review)
3. Sharing in Flexible Stake Ultimatum Game, with Sarah Jane Ereneo (Under Review)
4. An Asset Replacement Approach for Enhancing Dual-System Egg Production in Taiwan, with Debora Vianne, and Marxlen Endico (Minor, R&R, SSCI)
5. Do You Get What You Pay For? with Sarah Jane Ereneo & Tim Salmon
6. Are Sunk Cost-Biased Agents Inherently Bad? Investigating Agent Newsvendor Behavior under Different Principal-Agent Asymmetries, with Wei Huang and Marxlen Endico
7. Observed Competence and Anchoring in Advice-Influenced Newsvendors, with Marxlen Endico
8. The Language You Speak and the World You Can Reach: Institutional Environment, Market Size, and Entrepreneurial Entry, with Yu-Yu Chang and Felix Arndt
Projects in Progress
1. Procurement Auctions with Differentiated Goods
2. Strategic and Behavioral Analysis of Information Sharing in Supply Chain
3. Cognitive Entitlement in Ultimatum Games
4. Investor or Lender? The perceived Role in the Dictator Game
1. Small Grant Program ($9000) supported by The International Foundation for Research in Experimental Economics, with Timothy Salmon, 2010
2. FSU Dissertation Research Grant ($750, won the competition), 2010
3. FSU John and Hallie Quinn Fellowship, 2009-2010
4. MOST project titled "Channel Coordination of Supply Chain with Asymmetric Demand Information", supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (R.O.C), 2015/1~2017/2.
5. MOST project titled "Renegotiation in Procurement Auctions with Endogenous Liability", supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (R.O.C), 2016/8 ~ 2018/7.
6. MOST project titled "Strategic and Behavioral Analysis of Information Sharing in Supply Chain", supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (R.O.C), 2017/8~2018/7
7. MOST project titled "The Curse of Knowledge in Wholesale Pricing", supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (R.O.C), 2019/8 ~ 2020/7.
8. MOST project (2020 Outstanding Young Scholar Grants) titled "The Sunk-Cost Fallacy in Procurement Auctions", supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (R.O.C), 2020/8 ~ 2021/7.
9. MOST project (2021 Outstanding Young Scholar Grants) titled "The Impact of Task Decomposition on Sunk Cost Effect in Procurement Auctions" supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (R.O.C), 2021/8 ~ 2022/7.
Academic Service
Associate Editor
Asia Pacific Management Review (2024~)
Editorial Advisory Board
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management (2018~2021)
Journal of Business Logistics (2021~)
Reviewer for
Economic Inquiry, Journal of Economic Surveys, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Journal of Technology Management, Taiwan Economic Review, Management Review, Asia Pacific Management Review, Supply Chain Management An International Journal. Decision Sciences.